Using Sendex AI Bot

Creating a new Payment Request step by step with Bot

Currently all Payment Requests are 100% Anonymous and Disposable.

Step 1: Send a direct message in Telegram to Sendex AI Bot and Start the bot. Bot:

Step 2: Use /newrequest command and follow the steps. First: Write some details and description for your Payment Request. This will be shown to payer as an invoice description. Second: Select Network and Token which you want to have payment. Make sure you are selecting the correct network and token. Third: Define the amount you want to receive. It shouldn't be less than the minimum amount shown by bot.

Step 3: Review and confirm the Request Payment creation.

Step 4: Send the Payment Request invoice link to your friend or customer to pay. They can pay directly using the Telegram bot or using the direct link to a web invoice version.

Last updated